Monday, July 30, 2007

Netanyahu, Yuli Tamir, And The WWE

By David Lerner
When once as I child, I saw an advertisement for professional wrestling, I told my father that I thought it must be a very dangerous sport. My father replied that he was sorry to disappoint me, but it was all staged, the wrestlers were merely acting.
Recently, Education Minister Yuli Tamir created a storm by authorizing a unit about the "Nakbah" in a textbook for the Arab sector in Israel, i.e. teaching Israeli Arabs the history of the state from the point of view of Israel's enemies.
No sooner had Tamir finished speaking, than Netanyahu, in a grandiose display of righteous indignation, called for Tamir's dismissal. Netanyahu's court journalists, Amnon Lord and Caroline Glick, showcased Bibi's patriotic fervor as opposed to the treachery of leftists like Tamir.
I imagined myself sitting with other fans, munching popcorn and yelling "get her, Bibi," but my reverie wouldn't last because the contest seemed too well coordinated. Were the contenders following a script or perhaps they knew their respective moves so well, that they did not require any script.
Does Tamir really believe her own rhetoric ? If she did, she and her colleagues would have to turn over Ramat Aviv, site of the Arab village Sheikh Munis, to the Arabs. If not, than never give up our ancient dwellings in places like Shiloh, Elon Moreh, Hebron and more.
As for Netanyahu, wasn't this the same Netanyahu who recently called for deploying a group of terrorists known as the Badr Brigades in Judea and Samariah for the purpose of fighting terror (a euphemism for killing Jews) ?
I recall when Netanyahu's protege, MK Prof. Yuval Steiniz, maintained that he supported the Gush Katif expulsion but opposed relinquishing the Philadelphi corridor. Of course, Prime Minister Sharon had made it clear that he had no intention of holding on to the corridor and military experts said that it was impossible to hold on to the corridor without controlling Gush Katif, but Steinitz needed to differentiate himself from the supporters of the plan, so we would think he represented an alternative.
Besides, Israeli textbooks started talking about the Nakba during the tenure of Limor Livnat under the Netanyahu government. The truth is that one would require Shimon Peres' nanotechnology to distinguish between the policies of Netanyahu and the left.
That is because the Israeli right and left are, in the words of Dr. Eugene Narrett, author of "WW III: the War on the Jews," like Coke and Pepsi, they are not intrinsically different, but are merely different brands of the same product, and the product is the Oslo suicide process.
The various brands of the Oslo product have different names and advertising slogans. The Meretz brand of Oslo is called a "peace process," Ariel Sharon's version was called "unilateral withdrawal or disengagement," Olmert spoke of "convergence" and Bibi's version is called "reciprocity," but they are all Oslo. Like Coke and Pepsi, they are temporarily satisfying but bad for you in the long run.
Perhaps we should say that Oslo is like Diet Coke or Pepsi, because the different ideologies used to help us swallow the Oslo process, like artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame, do not occur in nature, but were invented in the social science laboratories of think tanks.
If you examine these ideologies closely, the logic behind them suddenly disintegrates. Obviously the Oslo process hasn't brought us peace as promised by the left, it never was intended to. But consider reciprocity, summarized by Netanyahu as "if they don't give, they don't get." What exactly can the Arabs give us for turning over to them parts of our land, a worthless piece of paper ?
Or the security fence sold to us as a device to protect us against terrorists. The fact that it was built right next to Jewish towns shows that it was never intended to bring security, but to divide the land.
And we fall for this ruse time and time again. We can't help but to stand behind Netanyahu when the "leftist" media so persecutes him, when they are so extremely and overtly anti-Jewish.
The reality is that there is no left and no right, there is the majority of Israelis who want Israel to be a Jewish state, and an elite minority who are opposed to it. In order to control the silent majority, there must be a debate revolving around an imaginary issue and the issue that has been chosen is the Palestinian problem. The problem is imaginary because if we were to look at it truthfully, we would see that there is no "Palestinian problem" or conflict over the land, there is only a humanitarian problem of what to do with a population of trespassers who currently occupy parts of the land of Israel.
The vast majority of these trespassers or illegal aliens were invited in by the British to prevent Jewish sovereignty, while for the same reason, the British sealed off all ways of escape for the rightful heirs to the land of Israel, who were killed in the gas chambers.
We cannot solve the problem because we are trapped in the imaginary debate. The two warring sides are essentially identical except for different rhetoric, and that is why whether you vote for Netanyahu, Olmert, or Barak, what you will get in the end will be Oslo and the end of a Jewish state.


Anonymous said...

very well said and absolutely on the mark, except until you showed in your last comment "we cannot solve the problem" that you too have fallen for this show! If you have followed Dr. Narretts writings you would know this is something he refers to as " controlled confusion" where chaos is hoisted on its citizens in bits and pieces to make u cynical and finally draw your conclusion. there r solutions and they r easier than most would think, and i can elaborate another time if u wish, but it will require orginization and it is not for the timid.

Anonymous said...

What a marvelous analysis! Now publish it in all the media accessible to the general public, especially in Israeli free newspapers and all over the Internet instead of hiding it in your blog.