Monday, July 16, 2007

Recycling Israel: Garbage In, Garbage Out

By Jason Gold

The world is going green. Notwithstanding Al Gore's hysterical blathering and his part in helping the environment by sponsoring rock concerts that few watched but were responsible for much burning of jet fuel as jaded musicians hopped from continent to continent, recycling waste is becoming a priority. The idea is to take biodegradable waste and recycle it into something useful. Garbage in, recycled product out is the paradigm.

Ah, but leave it to Israel to change the paradigm. For in what other country are washed-up, corrupt politicians bereft of any vision save to blame the settlers for all the country's problems and prostrate prone in front of the Arabs, Europeans and the United States State Department, are returned to positions of power again and again ad nauseum. Hence the biodegradable Israeli leaders recycle themselves and redefine the paradigm as garbage in, garbage out.

How does Shimon Peres, a man who has done more to damage Israel's deterrent position by helping to propagate the Oslo holocaust vision, a man who so virulently anti-Jewish that he virtually defines the self-hating Jew, end up as President of Israel? How does a so-called religious party vault him into this position based on the rationale that he will free Jewish prisoners? The man who handed the United States evidence against Jonathan Pollard? No, the only prisoners Mr. Peres will free are Arabs "without blood on their hands" (translation: we tried to kill Jews but failed) while making sure he does everything possible to keep Jonathan Pollard buried in prison.

How does Ehud Barak, the man singularly responsible for thousands of Katyushas landing on the North get put back into the head of Labor and then head of the defense ministry? You would think he would be anxious to prove his military toughness and fortitude by going after the terrorists launching rockets at Sderot and Ashkelon. But no, he is pursuing a completely different track. He is far too busy implementing Ehud Olmert's newest vision of propping up the myth of the "moderate" terrorist Abbas by agreeing to the latest amnesty insanity for at-large terrorists in addition to freeing 250 terrorists already in prison. I can see it now. Terrorist walks in, signs his worthless declaration, hands over his terrorist firearm at desk number one and picks up his Fatah "preventative" security force sidearm at desk number two. This is obviously a novel military strategy as Barak and Olmert have hit on a new fighting formula. They will defeat the terrorists by having them laugh themselves to death.

So depending on whether one counts Olmert in this mess and borrowing some Christian imagery, we are either waiting for the fourth horseman of the apocalypse or the completion of the unholy trinity as we await to see whether the Likud membership is short-sighted and amnesic enough to give Bibi another turn at leading the country to the precipice of disaster. Another alleged right-wing leader who is determined to make more painful concessions for peace and morph into Peres' little brother, Bibi is hell-bent on bringing Jordanian troops into Yesha to maintain peace, as the first step in the eviction process. Lest we forget, this should probably work about as well as his plan in Hebron during Bibi I.

Israel has a choice, a very stark choice. A choice between the old and failed versus the new and faithful. A chance to begin to correct the root cause of Israel's myriad of problems and select faith-based leadership for the Likud and eventually the country. Nearly 60 years of secular stewardship have resulted in incompetent, faithless, and morally bankrupt leaders that have put its citizens in danger and rendered the country little more than a banana republic. The time for Manhigut Yehudit and Moshe Feiglin has arrived. For the survival of the state, it is a necessary condition. Israel must have faith-based leadership and begin to fulfill its destiny as a Jewish state. If not, we can always start funneling those pardoned terrorists into the British health care system.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason...

45 days to go!

I'm really happy that M"Y is still plugging away, and I appreciated the letter I got, as well as the e-mail.

I got home a little late last night and dialed in during the dinner, while Shmuel was still talking. Then he introduced Moshe. I tried to listen to Moshe, but I couldn't hear him well enough to justify staying on the phone. So, I hung up after less than 5 minutes.

I need to say the following because I really want Moshe to win: I find it a shame that no one has yet found a way to make him audible to his remote audience. I checked out a couple of clips of his on YouTube, and Moshe seems to do well with the people in the room. However, he seems camera-shy (a double-edged sword - my guess is that plenty of people see through BB, for all his media savvy, so Moshe's apparent shyness might be welcome.). I guess no one has everything, and this gentleman might be just like his namesake. But, he should be made aware that looking at the camera occasionally, as though it were another person in the room, wouldn't hurt. Maybe I should provide an example, by addressing this directly to Moshe. I imagine that on seeing this message, he would feel strange...why didn't she address me directly instead of talking about me? Well, that's how I felt when I listened to him on the phone. I also feel this way when I see his pictures on the Web site. Why? Because he is never pictured looking directly forward -- that is, at the reader. It occurred to me that this might be out of modesty, but then I saw Dovid Shirel's video clip. He was quite direct, and did a great job of telling us why we should support M"Y. And, he looked directly forward the entire time, apparently without looking at a script (unless there was a TelePrompTer present).

Moshe Feiglin, what do you think?

With highest regards and the hope that Moshe wins and brings a Jewish framework to this Jewish state we keep talking about, and that we will never have to do another Tisha b'Av fast...

Eva Goldman
soon to be Chava Bar-Levi...for real.