Monday, December 10, 2007

Chanukah's Message: Take Responsibility

MaccabeesOn Chanukah, we celebrate Israel's independence from Greek rule. Judaism is founded on independence; the freedom to take responsibility for one's life choices. On a national level, citizens who have lost the will to take responsibility for their lives and instead rely on the State to decide for them have essentially surrendered their freedom.

Chanukah is a potent reminder that every single Jew must take responsibility for his life and ultimately, for his nation. This is certainly clear on the political level. That is why Manhigut Yehudit has taken responsibility and is working to provide Israel with authentic Jewish leadership. It is also true for every other facet of our lives. Israel's health system is not geared to keep us healthy? Let's get involved and work for a Jewish system that emphasizes maintaining good health. Israel's welfare system is in a state of advanced decay, with social workers advising the needy to turn to private organizations? Let's build a completely overhauled welfare system, based on Jewish ideals.

Now that Israel's educational system has collapsed, we have the perfect opportunity to take responsibility for our children's education. 80% of the parents of Israel's students define themselves as religious or traditional. In general, religious parents see to it that their children receive a Jewish education. But the vast amount of traditional Israelis who send their children to Israel's public schools are allowing the State to indoctrinate their children with the anti Jewish-identity views of Education Minister, Yuli Tamir.

How is it that although Tamir has severely reduced the hours devoted to Jewish heritage in Israel's public schools, she adamantly insists that our children learn about the Arab nakba, or the catastrophe of the founding of the State of Israel? Why are violence and abuse an accepted part of the public school experience? How is it that the average child in Israel's public school system cannot complete the age-old, quintessential Jewish saying, "Shema Yisrael?" It is time for the hundreds of thousands of parents who comprise Israel's Jewish majority to demand an educational system that reflects their values.

The temptation to give up freedom of choice and just let the state take over is immense. It has the same allure as idol worship. When there is no good or bad and no responsibility, there is no need to choose. One can surrender his 'human advantage' and just drift down whatever stream the state dispenses. This Chanukah, we must restore our freedom to make choices and take responsibility. May we be inspired to exercise our G-d given freedom of choice, take responsibility for our national lives and fill Israel with the Jewish light of Chanukah all year around!

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