Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I Won't Be Demonstrating

By Moshe Feiglin

"We must demonstrate against Olmert," said the voice over the phone.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he is going to give up the Golan Heights."

"I won't be demonstrating," I answered. "I won't demonstrate against Olmert, and not against the media and not even against the justice system. I won't demonstrate against giving up the Golan Heights, I don't demonstrate against the missiles falling in Ashkelon and I don't demonstrate against the fire bombs thrown all too frequently at the entrance to my home town. And even when Olmert will announce that he is surrendering Jerusalem, I will not demonstrate."

I don't demonstrate because I have nobody to demonstrate against.
I don't demonstrate because the father and mother of Zionism are long dead and buried.
I have no national father to yell at. I have no political mother who will have mercy on me.
I am simply here alone. Completely alone. With only myself. Who will I demonstrate against? The air? I can only demonstrate against myself, to berate myself for the things that I could have done to change our leadership - and didn't do.

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