Sunday, March 24, 2013

Moshe Feiglin's Freedom for Pollard Bike Trek

The unseasonably hot weather didn't stop Moshe Feiglin and 25 determined cyclists from pedaling uphill for 28 kilometers in their Freedom for Pollard Bike Trek. The 28 kilometers represent the 28 years that Jonathan Pollard has languished in prison. The message of the trek was "Yes you can!" to US President Obama. "Yes you can free Jonathan Pollard!"

On their way to the US consulate in Jerusalem, the cyclists stopped to visit Manhigut Yehudit's Michael Fuah, who is hunger-striking for Pollard (pictured here). Fuah's hunger strike was later featured in the New York Times, proving, Moshe Feiglin wrote on Manhigut Yehudit's Facebook page , that when people work for a cause with self-sacrifice, they set the agenda.

Moshe Feiglin summed up the day by saying that every little bit of effort comes together to achieve the ultimate goal of freedom for Jonathan Pollard. May that happen soon! (Picture: In front of the American Consulate in Jerusalem)

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