Thursday, November 13, 2014

MK Moshe Feiglin: Only One Nation Sovereign in Israel

In a Knesset deliberation on Wednesday on Sweden’s recognition of a Palestinian state, MK Moshe Feiglin said the following:
“I have no complaints against the Swedish government. I think that they reached the logical conclusion from their point of view. After all, since the Oslo Accords, all the Israeli governments – including the current one – have promoted the two-state solution. When Israel does not speak the truth, and declares that the very heart of our Land belongs to a different nation, we turn ourselves into thieves, into the troublemakers of the entire world. The world in turn, says, ‘If that is the case, let us recognize the ‘Palestinians’’.
The Swedish position is a direct result of Israel’s official stand. Israel’s policies prompted their declaration and we have no reason to complain. Recently, Google also recognized the ‘Palestinian state’. Of course they did. We recognize the ‘Palestinian state’, so what do we want from Google? We recognize the fabrication called a Palestinian nation; we recognize the great lie, that this Land belongs to the fabricated nation. What do we want from the Swedish?
But a Palestinian State will not arise. Not because Israel opposes its establishment. Not for lack of effort on the part of the other nations of the world. A Palestinian state will not arise because the last thing the ‘Palestinians’ want is a state.
In all the history of nation states – approximately over the past two hundred years – there has never been an ethnic group that has received so much aid and assistance to establish its state, yet did not succeed. The reason is that the last thing the ‘Palestinians’ want is a state. They do not want their own state: they – including their representatives in the Knesset – want to destroy our state. That is their main drive.
When Judea and Samaria were under Jordanian sovereignty and when Gaza was under Egyptian sovereignty – Arab sovereignty, not Jewish sovereignty – nobody made any demands to establish a Palestinian state. Their entire focus will always be on the last centimeter of land under Jewish sovereignty. On the day that the State of Israel would G-d forbid be destroyed, the Palestinian nation and all its aspirations would disappear.
And so, I have no complaints against the Swedish. My complaints are against ourselves. Let us tell the truth: There is only one nation here that is sovereign over the entire land. That is the Jewish Nation.”

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